
How Much Data Lies In One Standard Deviation


  • Empirical Rule (68 95 rule)
    • When to utilise the rule
    • Example Question
    • History
    • Area Under the Curve & Taylor Approximations
  • Empirical Research

What is the 68 95 99.7 rule?

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When you lot use a standard normal distribution (aka Gaussian Distribution):

  • Nearly 68% of values fall within one standard difference of the hateful.
  • About 95% of the values fall inside two standard deviations from the mean.
  • Almost all of the values—almost—autumn within three standard deviations from the mean.

These facts are the 68 95 99.7 rule. It is sometimes called the Empirical Rule because the dominion originally came from observations (empirical ways "based on observation").

The Normal/Gaussian distribution is the most common type of information distribution. All of the measurements are computed as distances from the hateful and are reported in standard deviations.

The Gaussian curve is a symmetric distribution, and then the middle 68.two% tin can be divided in two. Zilch to one standard deviations from the mean has 34.i% of the data. The opposite side is the same (0 to -i standard deviations). Together, this area adds up to nigh 68% of the data.

68-95-99.7 rule

In a normal distribution, the percentages of scores you can expect to discover for any standard deviations from the mean are the same.

When to apply the Rule

Yous can employ the rule when you are told your information is normal, well-nigh normal, or if you take a unimodal distribution (i.due east. one with a single peak) that is symmetric. If a question mentions a normal or nearly normal distribution, and you're given standard deviations, that well-nigh certainly means yous can use the dominion to gauge how many of your scores volition autumn within a sure number of standard deviations.

Example Question

The weights of stray dogs at a particular pound average seventy lbs with a standard difference of 2.5 lbs. Assuming the weights follow a Gaussian distribution:

  1. What weight is ii standard deviations below the mean?
  2. What weight is ane standard deviation to a higher place the hateful?
  3. The middle 68% of dogs weigh how much?


  1. 2 standard deviations is two * 2.v (v lbs). So if a dog is 2.five standard deviations below the mean they weigh 70 lbs – 5 lbs = 65 lbs.
  2. 1 standard deviation is 2.5 lbs, so a dog 1 standard divergence above the mean would weigh lxx lbs + 2.5 lbs = 72.5 lbs.
  3. The 68 95 99.7 Rule tells us that 68% of the weights should be within 1 standard divergence either side of the mean. 1 standard divergence higher up (given in the answer to question 2) is 72.5 lbs; 1 standard deviation below is lxx lbs – 2.5 lbs is 67.five lbs. Therefore, 68% of dogs counterbalance between 67.5 and 72.5 lbs.

History of the 68 95 99.7 Rule

he 68 95 99.7 rule was showtime coined by Abraham de Moivre in 1733, 75 years before the normal distribution model was published. De Moivre worked in the developing field of probability. Peradventure his biggest contribution to statistics was the 1756 edition of The Doctrine of Chances, containing his work on the approximation to the binomial distribution past the normal distribution in the instance of a big number of trials.

De Moivre discovered the 68 95 dominion with an experiment. Yous can do your own experiment by flipping 100 fair coins. Annotation:

  • How many heads you would expect to see; these are "successes" in this binomial experiment.
  • The standard deviation.
  • The upper and lower limits for the number of heads you would get 68% of the fourth dimension, 95% of the time and 99.vii% of the fourth dimension

Empirical Rule & The Area Under the Curve

  • fZ(z) is the normal distribution's pdfpdf for the normal distribution

The integral can be evaluated for standard deviations to derive the empirical rule:
empirical rule of thumb

The exponential function e-ztwo/ii doesn't have a simple antiderivative, so the integral has to exist calculated with numerical integration. For instance, every bit a Taylor series or with Riemann sums (Simpson's rule is one of the better variants).

Taylor Series Steps
I way to define the exponential office east(10) is every bit a Taylor series for 10 = 0:

Using a little algebra, nosotros can extend the definition to e-xtwo/2:

  1. Integrating:
  2. For the standard normal distribution cdf Φ, we want Φ(0) = ½:for 10 ≈ 0.

At 68%, the approximation for the empirical rule comes adequately close:

Empirical Enquiry Definition

The word "empirical" means based on observation or experience rather than theory. While the empirical rule is a practical "dominion of thumb", empirical research is where y'all bear "hands on" experimentation. In other words, you get your results from actual experience rather than from a theory or belief.

This type of research has iv major characteristics:

  1. A research question is posed.
  2. The target behavior, population, or phenomena is defined.
  3. The process is described in detail so that the enquiry can be verified and duplicated. For example, a researcher might include information about whatsoever use of instruments and control groups.

Calculus forms a foundation for many quantitative research methods and is an integral role of professional empirical enquiry.

Examples of Empirical Enquiry:

i. Pavlov's Dog Experiments
Pavlov, most famous for his "Salivating Dogs," actually won more acclaim for his empirical research involving the digestive arrangement. Until Pavlov'south experiments, picayune was known about the digestive system. His carefully carried out and documented experiments on dogs resulted in him receiving the Nobel prize in physiology of Medicine in 1904.

2. Discovery of the Deoxyribonucleic acid Double Helix
Watson and Crick discovered the double helix in 1953i. Until their discovery, nothing was known about the construction of the smallest unit of measurement of genetic information known at the fourth dimension--the cistron. After many failed model-edifice attempts, they finally built a model that matched the known information nigh the factor's structure. The actual proof of Watson and Crick's work came much later when laboratory experiments by several researchers (including Arthur Kornberg, Matthew Meselson, Franklin Stahl and others) confirmed their findings.

The Empirical Inquiry Cycle

empirical research empirical rule 68 95 99.7 rule

A visual representation of A.D. de Groot's empirical cycle. Image: TesseundDaan|Wikimedia.

This representation of DeGroot'south empirical wheel starts with observation. We notice something, and accept a question nearly that "something" or desire to modify it. That leads to induction —forming a hypothesis argument. Next is deduction, where testable consequences of the hypothesis are formulated. The actual empirical (experimental) portion of the cycle comes adjacent, followed by evaluation of the experimental results, which leads to more questions and the beginning of the cycle.

Writing the Empirical Research paper

The IMRaD Format
Many papers (usually scientific ones) that feature empirical enquiry have a layout chosen "IMRaD," which stands for:

  • Introduction: background information such as similar studies, reasons for conducting the inquiry and whatsoever boosted information necessary to sympathize the paper'south contents.
  • Gethods: details about how the experiment was conducted.
  • Results: presents the results along with any statistics or analysis performed on the results.
  • and
  • Discussion: discusses the implications of the results.

This is the aforementioned every bit the APA format' the American Psychological Clan uses IMRaD headings (see the Purdue OWL website for more information on formatting in APA style).

Papers that are written for empirical research should also (no brainer here) accept a title. They should also accept an abstract later the title, which is a summary of the paper'due south contents.

Empirical Dominion & Research: References

Blanco, 1000. & Ginovart, Chiliad. How to innovate historically the normal distribution in engineering education: a classroom experiment. Retrieved Dec 28 2015.
Davis, Meselson and Stahl: The art of DNA replication. Available here.
Gonick, L. (2015). Drawing Guide to Statistics. HarperCollins Publishers.
Kjos-Hanssen, B. (2019). Statistics for Calculus Students. Retrieved May one, 2021 from:
Pyrczak, F. (2016). Writing Empirical Inquiry Reports: A Bones Guide for Students of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Routledge.


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How Much Data Lies In One Standard Deviation,


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